Let's start with one of the most famous music venues in Athens: the 40 Watt Club. It's not famous for nothing! You can enter this dance club/ concert space with confidence knowing that the floor will almost always be clean enough sit on during the hours before midnight. Even better, it's filled with little tables, couches, bar stools, and other seating options, so that you won't actually ever have to sit on the floor anyway! Best of all, the large stage, raised several feet off of the ground, can be seen from every seat in the house, and it provides ample space for any number of band members to comfortably jam on their instruments or perform their choice of musical acrobatics. The massive speakers on the sides of the stage have also been used on many occasions as props during concerts; I've seen band members lay on them, lean on them, and even leap from them! They issue some quality sound as well, and the microphones provided work quite well too, a most necessary feature. Oh, and bands, remember to bring your hanging signs. This stage was meant to have gigantic band logos draped over the front edge for all to see!
After you partake in a few drinks from the full bar or some water from the cooler, you may have a few more questions. What about the bathrooms, you ask? As promised, here's my review of them. The walls are painted in a sort of graffiti-type style which looks a bit different from the rest of the club. The stalls themselves don't seem as ritzy as the rest of the place, but I must say, they've never been dirty when I've needed to step inside them, so that's a plus.
Once you head back to the dance floor, don't forget to look up! The ever-present Christmas lights add a bit of festive cheer to even the darkest, most screamo bands' performances. Looking to buy or sell some merchandise? Right next to the 40 Watt door, there's a large stand on a raised platform just for that purpose. Oh, and you may even get a chance to visit one of the two backstage hangouts in the club. There's an open one to the left of the stage with a very wide mirror, a pool table, and some video games to entertain you if happen to find yourself with a bit of free time. The other backstage space is located on the opposite side, down a hallway and through another door. This one's got some couches and small tables lining the walls which makes it a cozy little hangout for the band members and their pals.
The 40 Watt Club at a glance:
Ages: 18 to 20 are welcome!
21 and up usually get a cheaper price.
Cost: Varies depending on the band/event
Tickets: Advance tickets are generally available for larger shows online or at School Kids Records located at 264 East Clayton St. in Athens, GA . You can always buy your tickets at the door too!
Venue Website: http://www.40watt.com/
Venue Phone Number: 706-549-7871
Venue location & Google Map: 285 W Washington St, Athens, GA 30601
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Reviews of recent concerts/events at the 40 Watt Club:
Venice is Sinking
Crumbling Arches
Flagpole Athens Awards Show after party
Have any thoughts of your own about this venue? Dying to know something specific that I didn't mention? Be sure to comment below!
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